08.11.2024 | 12:30-14:00 | Jobtalk series for professional fields in business and society

There are many reasons why a career path may lead away from the university. Sometimes, both before and after completing a doctorate, there is a desire or need to orientate oneself professionally outside the university. It may also be that you want to reorient yourself professionally within the academic system (e.g. in academic management). There is a wide range of different professional fields to choose from, making it sometimes difficult to make a targeted decision. In this Jobtalk series, people from the fields of business, society and science management give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in their work in entertaining online talks and answer questions such as "What requirements are needed?", "What is everyday working life like?" or "What development opportunities are there?".
On 08.11.2023 from 12:30-14:00 Dr Ute Breitsohl, Head of Employer Branding & Recruiting at Covestro Deutschland AG, will present her career path and answer your questions. Dr Ute Breitsohl studied economics at the University of Wuppertal and worked as a research assistant at the university during her doctorate. Covestro emerged from the former plastics division of Bayer AG and develops, produces and sells polymer materials at around 50 locations in Europe, Asia and America. The company is headquartered in Leverkusen. Together with her team of 18, Dr Ute Breitsohl is responsible for recruiting employees for the German sites and publicising the company as an employer.
This series of job talks is primarily aimed at doctoral students, post-docs and other academic staff and is organised by the Human Resources Development Network at Universities (PE NRW). Participants in the PE NRW certificate programme "Qualification for professional fields in business and society" can have 2 work units in Module E "Advice, career planning and application" credited per talk date. Please contact your programme coordinator for this.
You can register until 31 October 2024 using the registration form on the homepage.