Basic module

The basic course "Fundamentals of Tutorial Teaching and Counselling" forms the basis for the "Teaching and Learning" certificate. Here you will familiarise yourself with your role and the associated requirements as well as your individual areas of responsibility and activity boundaries. Using theoretical input and practical exercises, you will learn how to deal with constructive feedback processes and reflect on how you can integrate them profitably into your tutoring activities.
Through peer-to-peer exchange, you will develop an awareness of the importance of promoting self-regulatory skills and receive initial ideas on how you can incorporate these into your individual teaching or counselling settings.
Participants receive introductory input in the basic module in preparation for the reflective portfolio format that accompanies the certificate and the mutual peer observation that takes place as part of the reflection module.
After attending the event, you will be able to ...
- Define and reflect on your professional role.
- Identify the conditions for constructive interaction between tutors and students and within learning groups.
- Name and apply the basics of constructive feedback processes.