Service Centre for Academic Staff Development (SaPe)

Specialisation module

The ZHD concludes with the specialisation module and the associated subject area "Developing innovations in studying and teaching". This is a reflection process that you organise and carry out independently and document in the form of a written paper. In doing so, you show how your understanding of your role and teaching in higher education has changed and developed as a result of participating in the certificate programme.

Below you will find a guideline (also available for download as a PDF document) with essential information on the mandatory framework conditions and the content components, including exemplary key questions for the specialisation module.

Please note that participation in a counselling session is required in preparation for the in-depth module. If required, please register for one of the following dates via Hochschuldidaktik:

  • Thu, 13.06.24 from 10:00 to 12:00
  • Thu, 11.07.24 from 10:00 to 12:00
  • Thu, 08.08.24 from 10:00 to 12:00
  • Thu, 12.09.24 from 10:00 to 12:00
  • Thu, 14.11.24 from 10:00 to 12:00
  • Thu, 12.12.24 from 10:00 to 12:00

We also strongly recommend that you attend the two-day event "Teaching portfolio as a space for reflection I+II" to prepare for or accompany your individual reflection process. You can find the dates and registration form on our homepage.

Guide to the specialisation module

The ZHD concludes with the specialisation module and the associated subject area "Developing innovations in studying and teaching" (60 work units in total).

This is an independently organised and implemented reflection process, which you document in the form of a written paper.

The core element is an individual teaching project with potential for innovation, in which you demonstrate how your understanding of didactic roles and teaching has developed as a result of participating in the certificate programme.

The prerequisite for starting the final project is that you have completed the basic module in full (at least 80 of 80 units) and at least half of the extension module (at least 30 of 60 units) and have taken advantage of a consultation on the specialisation module at the Service Centre for Academic Personnel Development (SaPe).

In addition, we strongly recommend attending the course "Teaching portfolio as a reflection format", in which you will gain a differentiated insight into one of the common finalisation formats. (Current workshop dates can be found on the homepage of the Service Centre for Academic Staff Development).

As part of the final project, you will reflect on your individual professionalisation process in higher education didactics that you have undergone by participating in the ZHD.

Based on the development of an innovative teaching project (from planning and implementation to feedback evaluation and reflection), you will explain the basic attitude that characterises your teaching, show how you transfer your didactic skills and knowledge to your own teaching context and demonstrate how you plan, implement, document and evaluate your courses.

In doing so, you will deal in an argumentative way with concepts and models of higher education didactics that convince you or develop questions that have accompanied you in your qualification process.

You will also incorporate evaluation and feedback results that you have received, e.g. from students, colleagues or as part of individual teaching observation.

As a result, you can determine which of your proven options for action you would like to retain or expand and where the development of new approaches can have a positive impact on your teaching behaviour.

Regardless of which format and which thematic reference you choose: The focus is on your own teaching practice and the innovative potential of your teaching project. It is up to you whether you focus on a newly designed course, a new examination or counselling format, new impulses in course development or a specific project, such as the design of the introductory phase of studies.

What is important is that you use your newly acquired knowledge and skills in higher education didactics in a reflective and professional manner in the project. In addition, a clear link between your teaching attitude, your teaching activities and the feedback on your teaching should be recognisable.

A classic format for the final thesis at BUW is the teaching portfolio. However, research into your own teaching is also conceivable, which is documented in a SoTL report (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) or can be developed into a scientific article.

An initial consultation on the specialisation module by the SaPe is a prerequisite for you to be able to start the certificate degree. You then draft a project outline for your planned teaching project (2-3 pages), which you submit to the SaPe. Once you have received feedback on this, you can begin to implement the teaching project, which you then document and reflect on (e.g. in the form of a teaching portfolio). You submit the product to the SaPe for assessment.

The text length of the project outline is approx. 2-3 pages, that of the thesis approx. 15-20 pages of continuous text (cover sheet, lists, appendix etc. are excluded).

Please include a cover sheet with your personal details (name, faculty, subject), the title of the thesis and the date of first submission, as well as an outline of the content.

Please include extensive graphics, tables, overviews, materials, etc. as appendices.

Please ensure that you use an understandable and precise language style, adhere to spelling, punctuation and grammar rules and use gender-sensitive language.

Even if it is not an explicitly academic paper, you should place your considerations in the context of higher education didactics by explaining your decisions on the basis of corresponding higher education didactic models and concepts.

